Is Your Home's Comfort Inadequate? 3 Reasons Your Thermostat Is To Blame

As a general rule, when your home is not getting warm during the winter or cool during the summer, you instantly blame your heater or air conditioner. However, just because your heating and air conditioning system isn't properly heating or cooling your home, it doesn't necessarily mean that the actual heater or air conditioner is the problem. In fact, your problem could be with a much smaller component: the thermostat. Here are a few reasons why your thermostat is actually to blame for your home not getting as warm or cool as it should be in the winter or summer:

Your Thermostat Is Being Hit by Direct Sunlight.

Have you noticed that your air conditioner runs too frequently throughout the summer? Does your heater fail to come on during the winter when it really needs to? If your thermostat is in direct sunlight during any time throughout the day, it could result in a false reading due to the thermostat and the surrounding air being warmer than the remainder of the home. This may result in your air conditioner coming on too much or running for extended periods of time or your heater turning off prematurely or not evening coming on at all. To remedy this issue, you may be able to shut blinds or curtains to the window allowing the sun to hit the thermostat. If this is not an option, you will need to reach out to a contractor to move the thermostat to another location.

Your Thermostat Is Next to Air Vents.

Have you noticed that your air conditioner or heater is frequently cycling on and off? If so, it may be a result of your thermostat being placed too close to your vents. If the air coming out of your vents is blowing directly on or close to your thermostat, it is going to result in a false reading that will cause your air conditioner or heater to turn off as soon as it turns on due to a recalculation of temperature. To solve this issue, you can try to redirect the airflow from the vent so that the air is not blowing right on your thermostat. However, your best bet is to have your thermostat moved to a more ideal location in the home.

Your Thermostat Is Not Placed in the Center of Your Home.

Have you noticed how one side or end of your home is always cooler or warmer than the remainder of your home? If so, this can also boil down to a thermostat problem. Thermostats need to be able to read your home's average temperature. So, to remedy this issue, you should move your thermostat to the center of your home – or as close as possible – and in the hallway. This helps to ensure maximum comfort throughout the entire home. Also, make sure to keep the aforementioned two problems in mind when placing your thermostat in a centralized location. To find out more, speak with someone like Chappel's Heating & Cooling.
