How To Diagnose A Central Heating Problem

Central heating systems provide heating to the entirety of your home from a single location through the use of ductwork and vents. In the winter months, a properly functioning heating system is essential to maintaining the comfort levels in your home. In the event that your central heating system is no longer working as it is designed to, you need to diagnose the issue in order to fix it as soon as possible.

The Components

A central heating system is made up of two different components, the heating mechanism, which is the boiler or furnace, and the delivery system, which is made up of vents and ductwork. The issue with your central heating system will be in one or the other of these components.

One Room is Cold

If a single room in your house is cold, or at least is not receiving the same amount of heat as other rooms in your house, the issue is most likely with the heat delivery component of the central heating system, not the actual heating element itself.

The cause is most likely that there is a buildup of debris or a blockage within the ductwork leading to the room, preventing air flow from entering the room through the vents. If this is the case, you need to have your ductwork cleaned and emptied by an HVAC professional. This is a fairly simple process and should be done every year anyway to prevent debris from building up.

The House is Cold

If your entire house is not receiving heat or is colder than usual, the issue is either a blockage in the ductwork close to the central heating mechanism, or a broken part within the mechanism itself. If the central heating mechanism (the boiler or furnace) is warm, then the issue is within the ductwork, and you'll need to have an HVAC professional clean out your ductwork so that heat delivery can continue throughout the rest of your home.

However, if the boiler or furnace is not warm to the touch, then there is a broken part within the mechanism. If this is the case, you'll still need to call an HVAC technician, such as Augusta Mechanical Heating & Air Conditioning, to open up your heating mechanism and inspect the interior. If the issue is minor, the part can be replaced and your central heating system can continue to work as designed. However, if the issue is fairly serious, it may be impossible to repair the system, and you'll need to have your central heating system replaced.
